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Best festivals in England

Do you like to travel and discover new festivals and new music? Today from Topfestivals we move to the birthplace of artists like the Beatles to make you a tour of the best […]


Best rock singers of the 80's in Spanish

Today, from Topfestivales, we go back to that past decade so marked by music and so important in Spain, do you remember which one it is? Indeed, we move back to the time of the 80s, […]


Best classical music festivals in Spain

For those who do not know much about the world of classical music, from Topfestivales we encourage you to get to know this musical genre. Spain has important musical groups, orchestras and […]


Best current Argentine singers

Today in TopFestivales we decided to make a list of the best current Argentine best Argentine singers of today. In addition, we will leave you some links to buy tickets to their concerts. The 10 best argentinian singers you should listen to today In the world […]


The best festivals in Argentina

Do you want to know which are the best festivals in Argentina? In TopFestivales we bring you the list of the best festivals that you can't miss. Rock, electronic, pop, indie, even folklore and tango in the most outstanding festivals, national and international, […]


Best current bachata singers

Do you like to move and dance to the rhythm of bachata? With this Latin American genre you won't be able to keep your feet still for a second. Many current songs incorporate rhythms of this musical style, that's why, from Topfestivales, we bring you some of […]


Best Argentine trap singers

Are you a lover of the urban genre? If so, stay tuned, because today we move to Argentina, a country with many emerging talents of all […]